PatchGuard bypass at runtime

Title: Hide the process from kernel anti-cheats
12/09/2023 16:24 - 148 days 15 hours 44 minutes
A quote. #998 Originally posted by sospsi

I'm interested in this and I want to buy it.
But I also want to hide the process through kernel


I just noticed your comment that you're interested in purchasing a bypass. Are you able to get yourself as PayPal verified? That was the reason your payment got rejected. If you're not able to. Then Bitcoin (BTC) is the only payment method.

If you want to properly hide a process, you'll also need to hide the threads of the process. This kind of direct kernel object modification (DKOM) is subject to a process list modification bug check.

I do have the codes to hide the process even from an advanced kernel anti-cheat but these codes are not included in PG bypass. These codes are subject to a software work.

Anyways. One AV attacks directly to my software, despite I selected the option that "I handle manually all threats". This is exactly where a malware or cybersecurity analysts needs DKOM functionality.

The fact is that even though your anti-cheat, or whatever else security product got analyzed by an independent 3rd party. It's not very believable when you didn't even bother to mention how it was analyzed and which security company did the analysis...

Add to this that the anti-cheat in question will not start the game if it detects even one analysis program running. This is where my bypasses and DKOM's come into play.

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