The professional version of the software includes physical memory scanner.
Memory scanning is in user mode by default. The process you opened from the process list by left-clicking on the process name. When you scan your PC or laptop physical memory through the kernel driver, there is no need to open a handle to any process.
The options for kernel driver must be initialized and the driver loaded using the KDI before you can scan kernel memory.
KERNEL_MEMORY: The memory allocated by the kernel and the loaded kernel modules is scanned.
KERNEL_MODULES: The kernel and drivers data and discardable sections are checked.
USER_MEMORY: The memory allocated by all user mode processes is checked. Scanning also includes all protected processes.
The above three together are the same as a computer's physical memory. The more narrowed the scan is, the better results you will get and needless to even mention, you get the results you was after faster as well.
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